Linear Sensor Data Acquisition & Processing System
SGF Ltd. has developed software for medical application, which is used in US to measure sarcomere length on-line by laser and X-ray diffraction techniques. It includes one embedded processor to read out the CCD sensor information and to communicate with a PC which is the graphical user interface.
On-board data acquisition and control computer system on the International Space Station
The SGF Ltd. in cooperation with KFKI RMKI has developed the data acquisition and control computer system for Plasma Wave Complex (PWC). It will be mounted to the International Space Station. The PWC includes 11 sensors and three on-board computers. The archiving computer will be inside the station while two computers will be mounted outside.
Command and Data Management Subsystem (CDMS) of
the Rosetta Lander (Philae)
The CDMS is a dual-processor, warm-reserved fault tolerant control and data processing unit of the ESA’s Philae. The basic core that will ensure fault tolerance is the two DPUs both running in hot redundant mode. One of them, marked as the primary DPU is in charge of performing actual payload control.
Electrical ground support equipments (EGSE) for different space projects
The company has developed series of portable EGSEs based on embedded processors with quick look option for various onboard experiments of Rosetta Orbiter, Philae, MarsExpress, VenusExpress and BepiColombo missions of ESA. We have developed also EGSE for Plasma Wave Complex of the International Space Station.
Software testbed of the CDMS and Philae software
simulator (LSS)
The testbed comprises five PCs and eight embedded processor units simulating the payload. The purpose of this simulator was to automate test procedures both for nominal and non-nominal operations of the CDMS. The LSS has been developed on the order of DLR (Cologne) and MPS (Lindau).
Linear Sensor Data Acquisition & Processing System
SGF Ltd. has developed software for medical application, which is used in US to measure sarcomere length on-line by laser and X-ray diffraction techniques. It includes one embedded processor to read out the CCD sensor information and to communicate with a PC which is the graphical user interface.